Tagged: Best Of

DMVicious’ 100 Best Songs of 2013


It is that time of year when all us music media folk release all those tedious “best of” lists. I could spend a lot of time giving you a little write up on each song, but that would just be a waste of both our time. Instead, here is a Spotify playlist loaded with 100 of the hottest jams 2013 had to offer.

Songs are in no particular order. Put that bad-boy on shuffle and enjoy.

Rolling Stone names 9:30 Club best ‘Big Room’


(Photo credit: Christopher Parks/NPR)

As part of its “Venues That Rock” series, Rolling Stone published the top-20 “Best Big Rooms in America.” The rankings were determined by a group of big-name artists, managers and promoters. Among the voters: Britt Daniel (Spoon), Patrick Stump (Fall Out Boy), Mike McCready (Pearl Jam), Thomas Mars (Phoenix), Miranda Lambert, Talib Kweli, Bassnectar, Sharon Osbourne and several other industry power-brokers.

As anyone who has seen a show there would agree, 9:30 Club landed in the top spot. Billboard has named the club one of the best in the nation several times, but that distinction is based on more quantitative values (sales, attendance, etc.). Getting the vote of confidence from such a diverse panel of esteemed industry personalities seems more rewarding for a club that blossomed from the District’s hardcore scene in 1980.

Having just seen a sold-out show at the club Tuesday, the sheer awesomeness of the club is fresh in our mind. 9:30 club is oddly authentic for such a large, high-profile venue. Most other venues in its class seem contrived in comparison. We could go on for days counting the ways we love 9:30 Club, but we imagine most of you have already been there, and you know what’s up. If you have not been to a show at 9:30 Club, you would be served experiencing it for yourself than reading us gush about it.

The Rolling Stone write-up features a quote from voter Patrick Stump where he says, “You wonder if the locals know how lucky they are.” We do, Pat. We sure do.


The ever-amazing folks at Brightest Young Things have compiled their list of the ‘Top 25 DMV Artists to Watch in 2013.’

BYT makes good on its promise and delivers a solid list of local artists poised to blow-up this year. It is crazy to see how many legitimately talented artists–especially rappers–reside in the area.

Our pick for “Most Likely to Succeed in 2013” is rapper Shy Glizzy.

(More after the jump)


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