Tagged: analog edition

New Music: Teen Mom – “Kitchen”


It sure is a good day for local music. Teen Mom just dropped a new track called, “Kitchen.” This is the band’s first new music since the Mean Tom EP.

The song is a little bit of a departure from the band’s usual formula. “Kitchen,” is nearly seven minutes long and features a more dynamic arrangement than the band’s previous work.  Despite the added layers on this song, it still captures the lo-fi pop brilliance we have come to expect from Teen Mom.

RELATED: About Last Night: Teen Mom at Comet Ping-Pong | Brett remixes Teen Mom’s “I Wanna Go Out”

Review: Shark Week, ‘Santurce’


Tuesday marks the release of Santurce, Shark Week’s first release since last year’s self-titled debut EP. The seven-inch vinyl recording features two tracks–“Go West” and “Maybe Baby.”

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RELATED: Shark Week comes early for D.C. (Interview)