Tagged: zooey deschanel

New Music Round Up


In our never-ending quest to keep you up to date on all the happenings of the music world, here is your weekly round-up of all the new music you should check out.

deerhunter-1367601614Deerhunter, Monomania

Frontman B.J. Cox–yes, his real name–is the kind of artist that journalists love to write about. Though he is a brilliant musician, his eccentricities seem to pull writers in like a bug-zapper. The album is what you might expect from Deerhunter: dark, sad, angry, loud, awesome.

justiceAAAJustice, Access All Arenas

Much like the punk rock movement before it, EDM seems totally out of context on record. Sure, it makes for good ear-bud music at the gym, but the brilliance of the entire genre lies in the live performance. Hearing a recorded version of live performances is a pretty good way to bridge that gap.

she&him_vol3She & Him, Volume 3

Most of America knows her as Jess on Fox’s New Girl. Well,  a whole lot of hipsters people have been in love with Zooey Deschanel since ‘She’ teamed with  ‘Him’ (M.Ward) and made Voume 1. Volume 3 is another installment of the same bright, cutesy twee-pop we have come to expect from America’s most adorable indie duo.

fitztantrums_morethanjustadreamFitz and the Tantrums, More Than Just a Dream

Fitz and the Tantrums fit in the minority of retro-soul bands that pay tribute to the genre’s past while gently nudging it forward.  This albums continues that momentum. The band will spend this summer opening arena shows for pop superstar Bruno Mars. Hopefully that will the break this band deserves.

django_hidjinxDjango Django, Hi Djinx

Hi Djinx is a collection of remixes from Django Django’s brilliant self-titled album. The whole album is worth a listen, but Nick McCarthy’s remix of “Firewater” is definitely the standout track.


Harry-Fraud-High-TideHarry Fraud, High Tide EP

Harry Fraud is making some of the dopest beats in hip-hop right now. Fact. Fraud’s list of collaborators reads more like a best-of XXL “Freshman Class” for the last five years. This four track EP features Action Bronson, Earl Sweatshirt, Smoke DZA, Chinx Drugz, French Montana and more. AND it is  a free download. Go listen!