Tagged: nathan williams

Video: Kings Of Leon – “Supersoaker”

The trajectory of Kings Of Leon’s career is interesting. The band started as a scrappy  rock band of brothers (and cousin), and immediately captured the attention of indie music snobs everywhere. After Because Of the Times, the band’s music made a noticeable shift toward more radio friendly tracks like, “Sex On Fire” and “Use Somebody.” That’s when Kings Of Leon lost the majority of its original fan-base, but gained an even bigger one in its place.

After an extended hiatus, the band sounds more like its earlier incarnation. Is it too late for KOL to win back its original fans?

We stopped messing with KOL around the time “Use Somebody” was playing on HOT 99.5, but the band’s first three albums have remained among our favorites albums of the past several years. If “Supersoaker” is any indication of how the upcoming album, Mechanical Bull, will sound, count us as excited–even if Wavves’ Nathan Williams is not.