Tagged: Mom & Pop Music

Album Review: Wavves, ‘Afraid Of Heights’

WAVVESA lot of people like to hate on Wavves. Ever since the band got a few placements on MTV, it has become en vogue to dismiss Nathan Williams’ music as style over substance. That is a shame, because beneath the sloppy lo-fi aesthetic, Williams has mastered the art of self-loathing.

It is easy to lump the band into that burnt-out surf-punk category. The difference is that Wavves music has an honesty to it that is largely lacking in that genre.

On its previous full-length release, King of the Beach, Wavves opted for more lo-fi production values. In a somewhat surprising move, the band enlisted producer John Hill for Afraid of HeightsHill’s production credits include M.I.A., P!nk and Rhianna–quite a departure. Continue reading

Album Review: FIDLAR, ‘FIDLAR’

ImageOn its self-titled debut album, FIDLAR (Fuck It Dog, Life’s A Risk) gives a much needed adrenaline shot into the collective arm of the surf-punk scene. Where bands like Wavves have mastered the mellowed-out side of the genre, FIDLAR comes in with the raw energy and tenacity of a post-eightball Marion Berry.

At face value, that may sound overwhelming, but it works on an album dedicated to partying, surfing, skateboarding and being broke. At times, ‘FIDLAR’ sounds like a concept album centered on the life of Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and that is not an insult.

The album opens with the single, “Cheap Beer,” a call to arms against the micro-brew movement (video after the jump). Aside from being DMVicious’ official theme song, this track sets the tone for the rest of the album. It’s loud, fast and anthemic. The shout-along refrain triggers a feeling that has been absent since the first time we got drunk on Milwaukee’s Best at a house party in high school.  Continue reading