Tagged: Crobot

Getting To Know Crobot


We realize most of you have not heard of Crobot yet. Lucky for you, we have. The 70s groove-rock outfit from Pottsville, Pa., blew us away at Sony’s rooftop showcase. It’s hard to remember the last time we saw a frontman with moves like Brandon Yeagley’s, and the dude has crazy pipes to match. Besides being wildly entertaining on-stage, the band as a whole is very technically sound without losing the soul of 70s era rock and roll. Imagine something that sounds like Wolfmother, but has the Darkness’ quirky personality and you have Crobot.

We caught up with the band at the Wind-Up Records showcase at Empire Control Room, and the guys were cool enough to chat with us for a bit. Check out the interview and photos from Crobot’s set after the jump.

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