Tagged: cover

Happy Holidays from the Silver Liners

It’s always good to hear from friends back home. Check out this video of the Silver Liner’s rendition of “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” This video has me excited to head home for a few days.

Don’t miss the Silver Liners with Dance for the Dying, PLOY, and Two Dragons and a Cheetah at Rock & Roll Hotel on January 11.

Video: Charli XCX covers Backstreet Boys

Sometimes it takes a really rad artist to make a shitty song awesome. Charli XCX did just that with, “I Want It That Way,” during an in-store performance at Chicago’s Borderline Music.

Charli’s recent release, True Romance, is a goth-pop gem packed full of fun, danceable yet sometimes dark tracks. Don’t miss her performance at U Street Music Hall, June 3.

(via CoS)

Related: Charli XCX @ SXSW | New Music Round-Up  | Marina and the Diamonds team up with Charli XCX

Tame Impala covers Outkast’s “Prototype”

Holy crap, this is amazing. Tame Impala covers Outkast’s “Prototype” for Australian radio show Like a Version. It is uncanny how much Kevin Parker’s falsetto matches Andre 3000’s.

This track was one of the standouts from the ATLiens double album, Speakerboxxx/The Love Below. With the band’s penchant for trippy guitar licks and deep bass grooves, this cover seems pretty natural for Tame Impala. It is still kind of funny to hear a bunch of Aussies playing an Outkast song.

The actual song starts around the 1:12 mark.