Tagged: baltimore sun

Baltimore’s inferiority complex hits new low


By now, most Washingtonians have at least heard of Baltimore Sun’s asinine list of “100 reasons why Baltimore is better than D.C.” After reading the headline, my initial response was the familiar, “Aw, they’re still trying.”

Then I spent a chunk of my life–which I will never get back–clicking through a list that was obviously written by someone who has not spent a lot of time in either city. Granted, the writer has a few valid points–Old Bay, Natty Boh and Cal Ripken, Jr. are pretty darn cool. The rest is a bunch of re-tread bull-shit about how D.C. is expensive and full of politicians, etc.

To pick out every ridiculous item on the list would take all day. Since this is primarily a music blog, let’s just take a look at the most ridiculous music/nightlife-oriented items.

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