About Last Night: San Cisco, Smallpools and Supercute at Rock & Roll Hotel


Smallpools at Rock & Roll Hotel (More photos below)

So, apparently San Cisco has a lot more fans than we ever realized. We also did not realize the median age of said fans is somewhere around 17 years old. Suffice it to say, it was a youthful evening at Rock & Roll Hotel last night.

The first band on was Supercute, an aptly named group of young gals fronted by 19-year-old Rachel Trachtenburg (Yes, the girl from Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players). Trachtenburg held it down on vocals and ukulele, and the band’s cover of Rolling Stones’ “Paint It Black,” was way better than it had any right to be.

Smallpools was up next. We’ve already covered the bands meteoric rise over the past few months, now it was time to see if the band’s live show could live up to the hype. Touring for the first time as a band, Smallpools absolutely killed it. The band played the majority of its recently released EP, with a couple unreleased tracks thrown in. Keeping with the theme of unexpected covers that went over surprisingly well, Smallpools nailed its rendition “Get What You Give,” by New Radicals. Yeah, this song.

The set came to a close with the hit single, “Dreaming.” Watching this band on stage, it was evident that they are like, one MTV placement away from being annoyingly huge. These guys are writing some of the best pop songs we have heard in years.

By the time San Cisco took the stage, the crowd was in a frenzy. The venue was about as crowded as we have ever seen it on a weeknight, and it was mostly 15-20 year-old females. It is easy to understand why this band has so many young fans: The band itself is pretty young and its music is super catchy and fun.

Every song the band played got a really enthusiastic response–especially the impossibly catchy, “Awkward.” San Cisco, much like Smallpools before them, put on the kind of set that indicated this is just the beginning for this band.

For a blog that can sometimes gets old and crotchety, it was actually really fun to watch these three young bands and their even younger fans rock the fuck out.

One comment

  1. nhungsterohno

    You can definitely say youthful again! I felt like a granny at their show in San Francisco. They were amazing though and I would definitely go to another one of their shows.

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