Album Review: FIDLAR, ‘FIDLAR’

ImageOn its self-titled debut album, FIDLAR (Fuck It Dog, Life’s A Risk) gives a much needed adrenaline shot into the collective arm of the surf-punk scene. Where bands like Wavves have mastered the mellowed-out side of the genre, FIDLAR comes in with the raw energy and tenacity of a post-eightball Marion Berry.

At face value, that may sound overwhelming, but it works on an album dedicated to partying, surfing, skateboarding and being broke. At times, ‘FIDLAR’ sounds like a concept album centered on the life of Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and that is not an insult.

The album opens with the single, “Cheap Beer,” a call to arms against the micro-brew movement (video after the jump). Aside from being DMVicious’ official theme song, this track sets the tone for the rest of the album. It’s loud, fast and anthemic. The shout-along refrain triggers a feeling that has been absent since the first time we got drunk on Milwaukee’s Best at a house party in high school. 

Other tracks like “Max Can’t Surf,” and “No Waves,” deploy heavily distorted pseudo-surf-rock guitar licks over steady back-beats that provide the perfect backdrop for the band’s decidedly west-coast aesthetic.

Though the album is at its best when the tempo is up, songs like “Paycheck” and “Gimme Something” provide a little bit of a breather.

The latter of those two tracks brings a change in content as well. While the rest of the album focuses largely on excess, “Gimme Something,” plays like a reveler who is looking for something more substantial to cling to. It is kind of refreshing, but FIDLAR is much better when it’s loud and reckless.

The Los Angeles based quartet bro’s out pretty hard on its debut and it is a lot of fun to listen to. ‘FIDLAR’ is a crash course in giving no fucks in an era where music is too-often over intellectualized. The result is a genuinely fun album that has a ton of re-play value.

On a side note, we may start a We The People petition to have “Fuck It Dog, Life is A Risk (FIDLAR),” replace YOLO forever.

Rating: 8.0

Listen to: “Cheap Beer,” “No Waves,” “Max Can’t Surf,” “Wake Bake Skate!”

VIDEO: FIDLAR- “Cheap Beer”


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